Circular Walk on Tuesday 20th June 2024 – Eynsham – Southleigh Approx 6 miles

13 members drove to Eynsham where we met 3 others.  It was a lovely morning for a walk; the terrain was undulating, some quiet road walking, and footpaths. The wild flowers were stunning with fields and footpaths lined in whites and yellows.  When Ian and I recced this walk 2 and half months earlier, it was the wettest and muddiest we had done! Thankfully it was quite dry underfoot for this walk. At St James the Great church in Southleigh we stopped for lunch and to look round the church.  There were vibrant wall paintings and lots of historical facts.  Leaving the church we passed horses grazing in a paddock, and wild animals round a pond!! A few birds were flying around and so was  our fly-past!  (a joke with the walking group!) Thanks to car drivers. Pam