Membership test page

    This form can be used by those wanting to join Carterton u3a or existing members who wish to renew their Membership.

    Joint means living at the same address

    If you are already a member of another u3a please also select Associate and also name your parent u3a.

    If you are doing a Joint request please enter the relevant information for the second member.

    Privacy Statement - Carterton U3A membership data is held on Beacon which is fully compliant with the
    General Data Protection Regulations(GDPR). It is used for efficient administration it will also be
    shared with Group Leaders and Third Age Trust for mailing of Third Age Matters. We will not pass any of the
    held data to any other third party. By taking up the membership of Carterton U3A you agree to your personal
    membership data being held as described above. If you have any objections, please speak to the Chair or

    Please indicate that you accept the privacy statement above by checking the appropriate box below:-

    National Magazine: The U3A National Magazine, known as TAM, (five issues) is included as part of
    your membership. Where two members live at the same address then only one will receive a copy.

    Gift Aid Declaration If you are a UK taxpayer then Carterton U3A is allowed to make a Gift Aid claim on
    your subscription. If you are agreeable to this then please sign the following declaration. This allows a
    refund to CartertonU3A of the tax element of your membership fee. I am a UK taxpayer. Please treat as Gift Aid
    donations all qualifying gifts of money made.

    Please indicate that you accept the declaration above by checking the appropriate box below:-

    Note that we do not take payments online, see below for options to use once you have submitted your form.

    Membership Fees 1st June 2024 to 31st May 2025 (All fees are 1/2 price after 1 December 2024

    One Member £12

    Joint Membership (Two members at the same address £24)

    Associate Membership £8 each

    Payable by:-
    Bank Transfer to Carterton u3a Barclays Bank sort code 206520 account no. 73244083
    Cheque to Membership Secretary, 123A Brize Norton Road, Minster Lovell, OX29 0SQ
    Debit/Credit Card at Monthly meeting

    I shall pay by

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