
The group caters for photographers of all levels. It doesn't matter whether you use your phone or the latest SLR camera. Our main purpose is to help one another.

Our meetings sometimes take the form of visits to photograph particular places or subjects. On other occasions we will meet to discuss a particular topic or to learn about particular aspects of taking photographs or processing images on a computer.

Status:Active, open to new members
When: Monthly on Thursday afternoons
1st Thursday 3:00pm
Venue: Town Hall


The area between the menu at the top of the page and the blue page footer can contain anything you want in the way of content.

This sample page starts with a couple of paragraphs of introductory text. This is followed by a "Gallery" block containing three images. The "u3a single group data" Block shows any information that was provided in the Group Information panel in the editor. The "u3a events list" block shows where any events for this group will be shown.